Friday, October 19, 2012

Tear Drop / കണ്ണുനീര്‍ തുള്ളി

This is a nostalgic picture. This tear drop like plant used to be found in abundance near the pond and other water bodies near my ancestral home during rains. It has been years since I saw one... So, this view brought me back a piece of my childhood - cool, soothing and pure!!!

മഴപെയ്തിറങ്ങി ഭൂമി കുളിര്‍ന്നു നില്‍ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പ്രകൃതിയുടെ നനുത്ത സ്പര്‍ശനവുമായി വന്ന് ഈ കുളിര്‍ത്തുളികള്‍ എന്‍റെ ബാല്യത്തിന്‍റെ മനോഹാരിത കൂട്ടിയിട്ടുണ്ട്... ഏറെ കാലങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ശേഷം ഒരു 'കണ്ണുനീര്‍ തുള്ളിയെ' കണ്ടു കിട്ടിയപ്പോള്‍ മനസ്സില്‍ ആനന്ദം തിരതല്ലി...ഒരു നിമിഷ നേരത്തേയ്ക്ക് ഞാന്‍ ഒരു കുട്ടിയായി, ഇല്ലത്തെ കുളക്കരയിലെത്തി... മനസ്സും ശരീരവും കുളിര്‍ന്നു! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Different View!

During a recent visit to the national capital - I shot this view of the famous Qutab Minar

Friday, August 24, 2012


This one didn't want to leave; but as all its friends left, it was left with no choice and headed for the safety of the Jungle; rather reluctantly, it seems!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

An unexpected Visitor

Owls are fascinating birds... The fables depict them as wise birds. As they are nocturnal beings, they are rarely spotted in the day light.. I had the chance to see one in broad daylight. And here is a glimpse of that elusive bird.
It was sleeping and looked like a statue!!!

A close up!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Date with the Nilgiri Tahr

The Nilgiri Tahr is an endemic animal found in the Eravikulam National Park (near Munnar in Kerala) in plenty. An endangered species, there were only close to 100 of them. Currently, they number around 2000 and around 1500 of them live in Eravikulam National Park.

Here is what Wikipedia tells us about the species: The Nilgiri tahrNilgiritragus hylocrius, known locally as the Nilgiri ibex or simply ibex, is an ungulate that is endemic to the Nilgiri Hills and the southern portion of the Western Ghats in the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala in southern India. It is the state animal of Tamil Nadu. Despite its local name, it is more closely related to the sheep of the Ovis genus than the ibex and wild goats of the Capra genus.

On a visit to the Eravikulam National Park, I was fortunate enough to spot quite a few of them. Sharing some snaps here.

A Tahr @ Eravikulam National Park

Scratching the Head

Grass is always greener on the other side...

Majestic - head held high

Khujli hein bhai Khujli hein...

Mom and Kid - Picture Perfect

Loved the look..

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Man, the Beast and the Machine

I saw them somewhere along the Bangalore - Mysore highway; out came the camera and I captured this...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Village Temple

The temples of Kerala are unique in their architecture, rituals and ambiance. There is something that sets Kerala temples apart from the temples of the rest of the country. The villages of Kerala often have a 'village temple' that is the nerve-centre of the place.

Here is such a temple from my village. It is only a part of an entire group of temples.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Just Like That!!!

Nature is the greatest Artist of all...


Opening Up......

Nature's Bowl?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Kalamezhuthu or Kalam Pattu is a unique form of temple art found only in Kerala. The patterns to be drawn and the colours chosen are traditionally stipulated, and the tradition is strictly adhered to. Kalams are drawn in connection with the worship of Devi, Naga and Sastha. In each case the patterns, minutest details, dimensions and colour choice are mandatory and not arbitrary. The patterns vary considerably depending on the occasion, but rarely by the choice of the artist. Even the order of creation is laid down.

The drawing is done directly with the hand, that is, without using any tools whatsoever. The colours are made from natural resources. The powders used are all natural (Vegetable or Mineral or combined). The usual items used are: Rice (white), Turmeric (yellow), Charcoal from paddy husk (black), blend of Turmeric powder and Lime (red) and powdered leaves (green).

Kalams are Traaditionally drawn by Kurups (an indigenous Hindu caste of Kerala). 

Here is a glimpse of a Bhagavati Kalam representing Tirumandhamkunnu Bhagavati, the presiding deity of the region:

A Fully drawn Kalam depicting Tirumandhamkunnu Bhagavati (Bhadrakali) who is the presiding deity of the area

Another View
The close up of Face

The Garland and sword of the Goddess Bhadrakali

A View of the platform on which Kalam is Drawn

Kuruppu, The Artist and Performer

Ritual of Erasing the Kalam in Progress

It took him more than four hours to draw the Kalam  as an Artist and less than two minutes to erase it as a Velichappadu (an oracle or a medium between the Goddess and the worshipper in a Hindu temple)

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I found a beautiful, colourful fellow lurking around some wild flowers...

Where can I find some nectar???

This seems to be a good place...

Let me try from this angle....


Thursday, January 12, 2012


 It is not often that one is able to capture insects at leisure. I got an opportunity to click a few. So, here they are...

Honey Bees Quenching Thirst

The Wasp is thirsty too...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Butterflies fill the world with colours... Here is a glimpse...
I named this one Tiger Butterfly- it not only have the same shades, but was also as elusive as the tiger!!!

Black and White Beauty!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Common Kingfisher

I had been waiting for this fellow for long... At last he obliged!

Common Kingfisher
Waiting for the catch